Green Gifting Tip #4: Support Small Businesses!
I hope this message finds you well during these changing times. Personally, living during a pandemic has amplified the need to surround myself with positivity, beauty and nature. Positivity in my thoughts and the people I surround myself with, beauty in my home and workspace, and nature to always bring me back to the present moment. And the present moment is a powerful place to hang out when the future is so uncertain. I find the positivity piece to be a daily practice of healthy thoughts and choices, fostered through meditation, yoga and prayer. Fortunately, I get to combine beauty and nature in my work and share it with you through my business, Goosehill Gifts. The good news is, if more beauty and nature are what you need too, I can definitely help you with that! There are many small businesses out there, like mine and my friend’s shop in Salem (pictured below), that could really use YOUR help right now. So please consider us when needing to make a purchase, and instead of supporting a big box store, you can help support small businesses.

That brings me to the Green Gifting Tip #4: Support Small Businesses!
As a small business, things have been a little harder than usual this year. The pandemic caused the Eugene Saturday Market to open two months late, fires in September forced the market to be closed half of the month, and our holiday market will be shorter and outside in December. Air plants do not like it below 50 degrees, so sadly I will not be participating this year. Most of my sales stem from being at the Eugene Saturday Market, so you can imagine the effects of these circumstances on my small business. However, I feel extremely fortunate in other ways: my family is healthy, I have a beautiful home, a loving boyfriend and amazing friends! Besides, I’ve learned that the money part always works out in the end. However, if you are looking for holiday gifts, I have many beautiful offerings here. As always, I do encourage you to support your outdoor markets for the rest of the season.
Shopping at local, outdoor markets is a fun and great way to support small businesses!
I’m also very fortunate to be a creative! I always have something forming in my mind and heart that I want to try making, which helps me start most days with a little spring in my step. My products are created thru an ever-evolving thought process of “what if I tried this next time or used this color?”, combined with enthusiastic action to see it manifested into physical form. But the best part is when someone at market falls in love with something I’ve made and must have it for themselves or as a precious gift for a loved one. That win-win feeling never gets old.
So, you might be wondering, what new things have I created lately, with so much time on my hands?
This past spring and summer, I have added several new products, all available here. I created the Custom Terrarium Kit out of missing my Build Your Own Terrarium Station at market (the pandemic prevents this). This is a super great gift option, allowing you to choose decor and accent pieces to create a one of a kind gift! Some people purchase the kit, then allow the gift receiver to fill out the custom options form, allowing them to create their own terrarium. Also, I just ordered more reindeer moss and now have 5 colors of moss available for kits, see slideshow below! Building your own terrarium at home is so fun and easy enough for kids too.
Shortly after creating the Custom Terrarium Kit, my cousin ordered a bunch of them to be sent to her friends and family, as a way of sending some love to them. This got my mind thinking again, and I came up with the Decor Gift Box, available in 4 color choices. The Decor Gift Box is very affordable, includes unique and handmade decor pieces and makes the perfect housewarming present. They also make awesome birthday and thank you gifts or ship one to a friend who needs a little boost. The country chic magnet with dried flowers and clay miniatures are sure to bring a smile to their face!
Next to be created was the Unique Decor Subscription Box!
Because I am always making new things and market had not been consistent, I needed an outlet for all my newly created pretties! That is how the Unique Decor Subscription Box was born. It will also generate a stream of consistent monthly income for me once I have a group of monthly subscribers. The benefit for the subscriber is that they conveniently receive my newest creations (not available elsewhere), unique gifts and handmade, home decor right at their door from a small business and products made in the U.S.A.
Anyway, those are some of the ways I tried to stay productive and positive this year as a small business owner. Before I end though, I want to share something from a previous post, a little bit about my mother and her reasons to support small businesses:
I’m guessing my mother came out of the womb as a hairless rebel. A true, bleeding heart liberal who is resourceful in a political, Robin Hoodish way. She buys her gifts from small, local artists and businesses, not wanting to give her money (resources) to corporations and countries that do not honor human rights and planet earth. Buying locally made and grown things also means less resources used for transporting them. She also asks family to not purchase items made in China when gifting to her. Just that alone forces one to be resourceful because so many things are made in China. We are so fortunate to have readily available and affordable electronics, clothes, etc. but at what environmental costs are we paying in the long run?
Those are very good reasons if you ask me!
So that is what I have been up to lately, what about you? I would love to hear about your creative projects and heart plans in the comments below. Again, I hope this message finds you well and thank you so much for reading!
Brigitte McBride, Maker of pretties